I have always been a fan of “classic” style golf shoes. I considered my high school pair of Adidas Tour 360 shoes to be a radical departure from the my typical line of FootJoy Classics. Combine that devotion to traditional golf shoes with four years of rainy links golf in St Andrews, Scotland, and you can imagine my skepticism of casual, spikeless shoes, many of which are not waterproof.
It took forgetting my FootJoy Classics on a golf trip to play Boone Golf Club to make me break down and buy a pair of the FootJoy Contour Casuals. I shelled out a skeptical $90 for this pair of waterproof golf shoes, and I was immediately impressed. The uncomfortable “break in” period found with my Classics was non-existent. I slipped the shoes on just before walking to the first tee, and I was walking on a cloud the rest of the day.
My first concern with the FootJoy Contour Casual shoe was the stability provided by the DuraMax rubber outsole. I had never worn a spikeless shoe before, and was concerned about slipping in wet conditions or in bunkers. I have found the spikeless shoes to provide great stability and have had very minimal problems with slipping. My brother pointed out during one of our recent rounds that the spikeless shoes still leave “spike” (pip?) marks in wet or soft greens – clearly something is gripping the turf.
My second concern with the shoes was the waterproofness. My number of rounds in the rain has been cut drastically since moving back to the US from Scotland, but as any golfer who loves early morning tee times will know, dewy grass can soak shoes just as quickly as a rain storm. The shoes have been very waterproof. Prior to writing this review, I took the shoes into a bathtub to give them the full test. The saddle and seams of the shoe are perfectly watertight, although moisture seems to sneak in through the laces and tongue more than my FootJoy Classics, likely because of the looser, “relaxed” fit.
Opinions on the style of the shoes seem to lie on the far ends of the spectrum. I personally like the look of the shoes, but others have held nothing back when telling me they don’t like the look. The shoes really are casual… I wouldn’t wear them for a round at Augusta National or Muirfield. They are the golf shoe equivalent of wearing pants versus shorts, tie versus no tie, or tuxedo versus sports coat. This “style” point is one of personal preference, and if you don’t prefer my personal choice of brown (the only color they had in my size), check out the other style offerings from FootJoy, here.
My opinion on casual spikeless shoes swung 180* since purchasing a pair of FootJoy Contour Casuals. That being said, they will not replace my FootJoy Classics. They will, however, be a great compliment to my classic style golf shoes. The Contour Casuals are perfect for a relaxing round of golf on a sunny day. I find myself walking right off the course, having lunch in town, and walking home without ever taking the shoes off – something that cannot be said for any spiked pair I have ever worn.
2 Comments on “FootJoy Contour Casual Review”
Hi, I read that you like to cry….. but only once….. I have a big cry for you….. but only once….. check out the Royal Albartross golf shoes….. style and comfort, at least for me :-)
Thanks for the heads up, Laura! I’ll check them out and get my Kleenex box and check book ready… ;)