Holderness & Bourne Accessory Review

Graylyn LoomisProduct ReviewsLeave a Comment

Holderness & Bourne is a young company beginning to make waves in the world of boutique golf products. They focus on apparel and golf accessories, tapping into the traditional aspects of golf while keeping everything sleek, clean, and modern. DSC09213

Alex Holderness and John Bourne started the company together, and I was fortunate enough to meet both of them for a drink on a recent trip to New York City. My respect for the company and both founders grew exponentially as we chatted over everything from golf trips to the intricacies of golf course architecture. They are seriously passionate about their golf, adding legitimacy to their story and depth to their products. They know who their target market is because they are the target market.IMG_9132

When I see a golf product of any kind, I always look for quality, design, and attention to detail. In an age where it is so easy to skip steps and only deliver 85%, Holderness & Bourne takes it all the way. I cut open the cardboard box containing my scorecard holder and shoe bag to find H&B logoed tissue paper, held together with a single H&B logoed sticker. It is attention to detail such as this that makes you feel as if you have purchased a truly premium product.DSC09196

While all of their products are made in America, the source of the materials that H&B uses for their golf accessory line are of particular interest to me. They source their materials from the Robert Noble mill in Peebles, Scotland, a town I have been fortunate enough to visit. The ancient mill began in 1666. To give perspective to this date, that was right around the time England began sending immigrants to North America. The mill is famous for their impeccable quality and list of premium designer brands for whom they make wool, tartan, and tweed. You can feel the quality in your hands. The Robert Noble mill logo is tastefully sewn into the inside of the shoe bag. I was able to find this beautiful video below, which gives further insight into the history of Robert Noble and how the company has evolved – give it a quick watch! 

I have had the shoe bag and scorecard holder for a number of weeks now. Despite a fear of damaging the shoe bag, I have given it some abuse. On my trip to New York City, it carried deep tread, heavy soled waterproof snow shoes instead of golf shoes. The durable lining of the shoe bag held up perfectly to both these snow shoes and subsequent golf day trips here in South Carolina. The bag itself was designed by Alex and John, and they struck a very nice balance between form and function. Simply put, you will look the part pulling your shoes out of this bag in any golf club you visit.DSC09149

I have had an on again, off again, relationship with scorecard holders. My main complaints have always been uncomfortable thickness and overly complex methods of keeping the scorecard in the holder itself. H&B has eliminated the complicated solutions with a simple bottom left hand leather “pocket” that keeps the scorecard in its place. I was really pleased with how well this worked out on the course. You will also notice my initials hand pressed into the leather corner. This nice touch is currently a complimentary offering with every scorecard holder purchased.IMG_9126

I recently gave the scorecard holder to one of my good golfing buddies to use during a round. I was curious to hear his opinion, particularly with him knowing fairly little about the company and what they do. The slim profile, simple method of holding the scorecard in place, and the quality were three points he focused on after the round. Another feature that we both noticed was how the holder protrudes about an inch or two out of your back pocket. This worked really well ergonomically with the constant inserting and removing from your pocket that takes place during the round. DSC09167

I am picky about which products are reviewed for this site. I pass over review offers quite a bit, and only focus on products that I believe in and would personally endorse. The nod to Scotland, the quality of their product, and the passion and knowledge of Alex and John make Holderness & Bourne a winner in my book. I really look forward to seeing what they do in the golf product world. One definite is that you will see me wearing and carrying their gear along the way.


The Crosby Shoe Bag – $145

The Ouimet Scorecard & Passport Cover – $65

Video by Make Works on Vimeo.

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